Class Proposal Class and Event Proposal Form "*" indicates required fields The mission statement of the Frisco Public Library is to inspire intellect, imagination and curiosity. How does your proposed class inspire intellect, imagination, curiosity?*Provide a detailed description of your class.*If your proposal is accepted, are you willing to complete a volunteer application with the City of Frisco?* Yes No What is the intended age group for this program?* 0-5 Elementary Teens Adults Family All How many participants can you accommodate during this event?* All Library events must be provided at no cost to the attendees. Is this event free?* Yes No Does this program promote an individual business or product line?* Yes No Please provide more information.*How does this program benefit the Frisco Public Library community?*What type of equipment is needed for this event? Table Chairs Projector Screen Whiteboard Wi-Fi How much assistance from library staff is needed for this event?*Primary contact:* First Last Email* PhoneOrganization Name Organization Website Please provide 3 professional references.1*2*3*Agreement* I understand that if the library is not interested in my proposal at this time, I will not be contacted.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.