Jewish American Heritage Month

By FPL_Staff

This May, we celebrate the contributions that Jewish Americans have made to the history and culture of the United States. Jewish Americans have made significant cultural impact on the United States from the invention of the delicatessen to the emergence of the superhero genre. Famous Jewish Americans include comedian Mel Brooks, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, comic book writer Stan Lee, and composer Leonard Bernstein.

An important way to celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month is to learn more about Jewish American history through a digital museum experience, which can be done on the Smithsonian website, opens a new window. Additionally, The Library of Congress, opens a new window has an interesting digital exhibit to learn more about Jewish American heritage and features virtual events which you can attend right from home. The National Archives, opens a new window site has a collection of materials related to Jewish Americans as well.

If you would like to attend an event in person to learn more about the Jewish American community, the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is observing Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, on May 5 at 7pm. Details can be found on the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, opens a new window website.

You can also browse the Frisco Public Library catalog to find books about Jewish American culture and famous Jewish Americans. Here are a few important selections from our catalog: 

The Jewish Deli, opens a new window

Jewish First Names, opens a new window

Jewish Holidays All Year Round, opens a new window

She's A Mensch!, opens a new window

Lauren Yanofsky Hates the Holocaust, opens a new window

It's A Whole Spiel, opens a new window

Bad Jews, opens a new window

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?, opens a new window