Lunar New Year celebrates the start to a new annual lunar cycle and is celebrated in many Asian countries such as China, North and South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Mongolia, and Vietnam.
The Library on Your Screen
The library has excellent online resources. We have online newspapers, school help, and continuing education. Here are some of our most popular offerings.
New Year, New Goals
A new year can be a time of fresh starts, new ideas, and goal-setting. Find the library resources that will help you get moving!
Managing Your TBR
Managing your TBR may be harder than it sounds! These are practical tips on how to not get overwhelmed with too many books and too little time.
Frisco Library Staff’s 2024 Spotify Wrapped
Listen to and read up on the musical and podcasting habits of Frisco Library staff.
Audio and Video Creation
Frisco Public Library's Production Studio is a space for recording audio or filming video and editing those files. Perfect for learning how to create a podcast or short video.
Winter Holiday Recipe: A Taste of Joy and Childhood Memories
Winter holidays are a magical time of warmth, family, and tradition, filled with comforting meals and joyful moments.
Top 20 LinkedIn Learning Courses at FPL
Check out the top 20 LinkedIn Learning courses Frisco Public Library members were taking in 2024. With your library card you have access to over 16,000 courses.
So, You’re Looking for Dog Man
The new Dog Man has arrived! Now, the question is how on earth do you get your hands on a copy? Don't worry, we got you. We will walk you through the process of finding the book in the library and placing a hold if it's not on the shelf. Though with Dog Man it's always a good idea to consider placing it on hold.
Holiday Crafts
December is the ideal month to dive into fun, festive projects.
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