Random Acts of Kindness

By FPL_Staff

As we say goodbye to another Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb. 17th), we hope you had the chance to reflect on the impact of kindness not only in your own lives but in the lives of those around you. While the designated day of celebration has passed, below are some simple yet meaningful ways to keep the holiday alive.

  1. Volunteer at the Library: Make a tangible difference in the Frisco community by volunteering your time and skills at the library. From guiding projects in the Makerspace to engaging with community members in the English as a Second Language Club, the opportunities are endless!
    Volunteer at the Library!, opens a new window
  1. Pay it Forward: Repay a good deed with… a good deed! Whether it be buying a delicious latte for the person behind you or letting someone ahead of you in line, don’t skip out on this chain reaction of kindness.
    Pay It Forward, opens a new window
  1. Post Inspirational Sticky Notes: Discover the power of positive messages to brighten someone's day.
    Pinterest: Random Acts of Kindness, Positive Post-it Notes, opens a new window
  1. Sweet Treat Surprise: Delight a friend, neighbor, or family member with some sweet treats. Need inspiration? Explore a delicious array of random bakes of kindness for recipes that warm the heart and soul.
    Spread Kindness with Sweet Treats, opens a new window
  1. Pets Deserve Love Too: Spend quality time showering your pets with love, attention, and of course, fun treats!
    National Random Acts of Kindness Day: 15 Acts of Kindness for Animals, opens a new window
  1. Practice Empathetic Listening: Make deeper connections by lending a compassionate ear to those in need.
    Positive Psychology: Empathic Listening, opens a new window
  1. Support Nonprofits: Extend a helping hand to organizations dedicated to serving the greater good. Whether through monetary donations or volunteer efforts, every contribution makes a meaningful difference.
    Frisco Chamber: Nonprofits, opens a new window
  1. Be an Advocate: Explore community topics with the help of these user-friendly blog template websites. Voice your opinions, spread the word, and maybe even create your own Random Acts of Kindness blog!
    colorlib: Blog website templates, opens a new window

The list goes on; for more inspirational acts of kindness, read some of these personal stories:

Random Acts of Kindness: Kindness Stories, opens a new window

The New York Times: Random Acts of Kindness, opens a new window

Smiley Movement: 15 Stories of Kindness to Brighten Your Day, opens a new window