Have you ever looked for STAAR test or SAT practice materials at the library only to find nothing on the shelf? Are you looking for materials to help improve math or language arts skills? Check out Learning Express Library! Learning Express Library is a free resource available through the library website that has tutorials, practice tests, and other resources to help improve academic skills or prepare for high-stakes tests.
How to access Learning Express Library:
Go to https://friscolibrary.com/resources/test-prep/ and click on "Learning Express Library".
- For STAAR test and other elementary and middle school materials, select "Grades 3-8 Educator Resources" and then select the subject and grade level.
- For SAT, ACT, or AP test materials, select "College Admissions Test Preparation" and then select the test you need.
- For skill-building resources for high school students, select "High School Students" and then select the subject.
Once you have selected the materials you need, you will be asked to login. You will need to create an account if you have not already. This is a separate account from your library account, but it is free to register! If you are accessing Learning Express Library at home, you may need to enter your library card number.
The Test Prep section can be very popular during this time of year. The next time you find an empty Test Prep section at the library, check out Learning Express Library instead! Happy studying!
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