Historical records, photos, stories, and more, for your genealogy research.
Historical records, photos, stories, and more, for your genealogy research.
An online tutoring service for students in grades K-12 as well as college, featuring one-on-one tutoring and self-paced study tools. Available in English and Spanish, live one-on-one tutoring with qualified tutors is available daily 10am to 9pm. Other study tools are available 24/7.
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Find your family. Discover yourself.
Bring to life your family’s history by exploring the lives of those that came before you.
This online resource brings together thousands of authentic, national and state-specific legal forms for everything from wills, bankruptcy, and divorce to forms relevant to small business owners.
Job listings, resume and cover letter help, assessments, and organizational tools to help find the right career.
A collection of interactive tutorials, practice tests, articles, flash cards and e-books patrons can use to improve academic skills in reading, writing, math and science as well as prepare for high-stakes exams.
LinkedIn Learning is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Login to the desktop or web-based version before logging into the app. On the app version, use 'friscolibrary' as the Library ID.
Mango is a language learning system that teaches conversation skills, vocabulary, grammar, and culture. The app is available for free for Apple or Android devices.
Analyze stocks, mutual funds, indexes, sectors, or your portfolio. Tutorials available for those new to Morningstar and investing.
Use card # 26101 as login.
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Access more than 36 million U.S. businesses and 260 million U.S. residents for your business or consumer research. Search by location, SIC code, business size, and more.
Browse thousands of resources to enhance the reading experience for many children's and young adult books.
TexShare collection of over 60 databases for research, genealogy, history, science, technology, business, health, medicine, and literature.
Call 972-292-5669 for login.
Comprehensive collection of math picture books.
Access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data.
Access by signing up at USA Trade for an individual account.
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BiblioWeb: webapp01 Version 4.25.2 Last updated 2025/03/24 09:36