5 Things to Know about Dia de los Muertos

By FPL_YvetteM

  1. Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on November 1 and November 2.

The tradition of honoring the dead dates back to Latin American indigenous celebrations, but was moved to correspond to the Catholic calendar - All Saints Day (Nov 1) and All Souls Day (Nov 2). It is believed by some that during this time the border between the land of the dead and the land of the living is lifted.

  1. Altars/Ofrendas

Families will build altars on their property to honor and welcome their loved ones who have passed. The ofrendas can include photos of the deceased, food and drinks they enjoyed when they were alive, candles, marigolds, and papel picado.

  1. La Calavera Catrina

José Guadalupe Posada’s 1910 print Calavera Catrina depicted a fancily dressed Skelton. It was a satirical work commenting on Mexican politics at the time. However, it was Mexican muralist Diego Rivera who popularized the image.

  1. Pan de Muerto

Bread of the Dead is enjoyed in late October and early November, it is also commonly placed on Day of the Dead altars. There are many different varieties of this bread. The circular shape represents the circle of life. Pair it with a cup of  hot chocolate., opens a new window

  1. Marigolds

Marigolds or cempasúchil are often used for their strong aroma and cheerful color. It is said the smell guides the dead back home. Craft your own flowers, opens a new window using tissue paper and pipe cleaners.

Photos credit: Canva.com