Author Spotlight: Jodi Taylor


By FPL_Staff

Doctor Who meets Indiana Jones. The Chronicles of Saint Mary’s is a series about historians, techies, and overall disaster-magnets that time-travel (but don’t call it that) to the past to collect information and artifacts from being destroyed. From The Library of Alexandria to World War I and historical deaths of figures throughout time, the chaos follows the crew wherever they go. This series is filled with drama, romance, death and birth. The library has the first 9 books in the series. With a catchy title like Just One Damned Thing After Another why not jump into a pod and begin reading?

Just One Damned Thing After Another

A Symphony of Echoes

A Second Chance

A Trail Through Time

No Time Like the Past

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Lies, Damned Lies, and History

And the Rest Is History

An Argumentation of Historians