Book Club in a Box


Frisco Public Library makes it easy for you to start your own book club and pick your next group reads with our new Book Club in a Box kits. Each kit comes with five copies of a title, discussion questions, and resources for starting your own book club. They check out for 6 weeks, giving your members time to read the book and meet as a group. Each library card can check out up to 2 kits at a time, for those of you that facilitate multiple book clubs.

Click here to see a full list of our book club kits: Book Club in a Box., opens a new window   

Looking to join a book club? Frisco has several book clubs to choose from. They’re listed below in order of when they are meeting next.

Classic Readers Book Club

Classic Readers is geared toward seniors (ages 50+). They read a variety of genres, including mystery, general fiction, historical fiction, biography, and more. This club meets at 10:00am on the third Wednesday of the month at The Grove at Frisco Commons. Check out the Classic Readers Reading List for 2024., opens a new window 

Next Meeting – July 17, opens a new window

Reader’s Choice Book Club

Reader’s Choice meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. It’s a fully virtual book club that meets via Zoom. This club reads a variety of genres in both fiction and nonfiction. Reader's Choice Book Club Reads for 2024, opens a new window

Next Meeting – July 23 , opens a new window

Silent Book Club

Silent Book Club meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. It’s a new type of book club, where there's no assigned reading and all readers are welcome. BYOBook (print, eBooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic books, etc.) and settle in for an hour of silent, sustained reading. At the end of the hour, attendees can discuss what they're reading—or not! A fun way to hear about what others are reading and share what you're reading. Best of all, there's dedicated time each month to read something that interests you.

Next Meeting – August 7, opens a new window

ESL Book Club

ESL Book Club meets the second Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Join other adults learning English as a Second Language in this fun and engaging club. You'll read one short book a month and then come discuss it with the rest of the club. Be ready to read your favorite passages to the group! ESL Book Club 2024 Reading List, opens a new window

Next Meeting – August 11, opens a new window

Undead & UnRead Book Club

The Undead & UnRead Book Club meets monthly to discuss science fiction, horror, and fantasy books. They meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. You can join in-person or virtually via Zoom. Undead & UnRead Book Club Reads 2024, opens a new window

Next Meeting – August 13, opens a new window

Business Book Club

Our newest book club meets monthly to discuss business and self-help books. There will be a discussion regarding the topics within the chosen book each month to help further business ventures and other personal goals. The Business Book Club meets the fourth Saturday of each month at 10am. New Business Book Club Reads for 2024, opens a new window

Next Meeting (and the First Meeting!) – August 24, opens a new window

Do you have a book club that you want to grow? Consider meeting at the library. If you’re interested in partnering with the library for your book club, fill out our class proposal form, opens a new window.