By FPL_Ryan
This winter is set to be an El Niño winter. This type of winter could drastically change the weather we will be getting. According to the National Weather Service, an “El Niño winter provides a significantly warmer and dryer winter in the northern areas of the US. But for us in the southeast and Gulf Coast, an El Niño provides wetter and possibly colder winters and could have increased flooding. This could mean more snow, ice, and freezing temperatures.”
Below are some items to have and things to do to prepare for a possible freezing and wet El Niño winter:
Supplies for Home
- Firewood for possible power outages if you have a fireplace
- Extra canned goods, including pet food, and manual can opener in case you can’t get to a grocery store and there is a power outage
- Bottles of water in case water lines freeze (at least 2-3 cases if possible)
- Extra layers of clothes, blankets and thick socks
- Ice melt, such as cat litter, for traction if necessary
- Flashlights with extra batteries
- Weather radio
- Power bank to charge phones
- Candles and lighters
- Battery powered lantern
- Hand warmers
- First aid kit
- Coverings for plants: either old sheets or blankets or specific plant covers that don’t starve plants of light
- Solar generator
Things to Do
- Bring in anything outdoors that cannot withstand below freezing temps
- Move plants away from windows
- Check on outdoor pipes, drains, and pool
- Drip water lines if it gets close to freezing temperatures
- Roll towels in windowsills when below freezing
Supplies for Car
- Scrapers, blankets, winter gloves, and snow brush
- Gas up the car
- First aid kit
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