What is the Lone Star Reading List?


The Lone Star Reading List is a recommended list for kids in grades 6–8th. A committee of school and public librarians from the Texas Library Association’s Young Adult Round Table, spends lots of time reading a ton of books published within the last 2 years to choose a list of about 30 books, that they consider to be the best of the best. The list, issued annually, usually spans a wide range of styles, genres, and points of view in order to appeal to many types of readers. 

Use the Lone Star list as a resource for those kids who have trouble finding something they like to read. Since these are favorite books of many different people, they are bound to be enjoyed by those who aren’t the most enthusiastic of readers. This list is also a great way to introduce kids who are just beginning to choose from the teen area books that are written specifically for kids in middle school. 

See what Lone Star books we have and if they are currently available., opens a new window You can also sort the list by year. If you are in the Library and want to browse the physical copies, we always keep the current year shelved together in the New Books for teen area. Ask staff at the Library to point you in the right direction.

Now is a great time to check this collection out before summer hits and the shelves start to empty out a bit.

Happy Reading!