For those of you that keep a list of your TBR (To Be Read) books, you know how easy it is to get excited about new a book and before you know it, your list had grown out of control! With it being so early in the new year, now is a great time to look at what is serving you and what you may need to let go. Here are some practical tips on how to keep your list to a more reasonable number.
- WEED your lists regularly. There are different ways of doing this. You can go to the book that you put on your list most recently or least recently. You could leave a book on there for a month and if by just looking at the title and cover you don’t remember anything about it, then it may be a good time to take off the list. Because each reader is different, each list will be different. Find something that works for you!
- Treat your TBR like options. As readers, it’s easy to feel like our TBR’s are lists of books we have to finish. However, they aren’t a to-do list! TBR’s are supposed to be a way that you can track what you’re excited about. It’s not supposed to stress you out. If it starts to, then maybe a mental shift is in order. A TBR list is supposed to give you options. It’s a list to help you pick your next read. I’ve heard it said that a TBR is like a wine cellar, you’re aging the right book for the right time. Maybe think of it like this or something similar so it doesn’t stress you out.
- Don’t stress! If it all becomes too much, then maybe try breaking up your lists into smaller ones. Maybe have a list for preorders of authors you really love and want to support. Maybe have one list per genre that you love. Or do away with the lists entirely! Do what ever ends up keeping the stress at a minimum.
Having a TBR, like with all things when it comes to reading, is supposed to be fun. There’s no right or wrong answer in this and we don’t have to abide by certain rules. Find a system that works for you and that keeps the fun alive! We have enough stressors in our lives so instead let’s keep the stress out of our TBR’s.
Books to help with your reading life:
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