At Home Exercise for Kids and Teens

By FPL_LaurenH

With everyone practicing social distancing, it is becoming harder and harder to get the daily required amount of movement in.  Here are five free ways that you and your children can get your blood pumping and stay in shape at home.

  1. Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids Yoga is a free app and YouTube channel that provides yoga and mindfulness videos ranging from a few minutes to upwards of half an hour.  Each video uses various yoga positions to help tell a story.

  1. Just Dance Game Play Videos

There are many Just Dance videos posted to YouTube.  The videos range from 2-5 minute versions of popular songs and include a wide range of movements and dance moves.

  1. Walkr

Walkr is a free app that uses the pedometer in your phone to convert your steps into energy to help power a spaceship.  The more steps your phone registers, the more energy you have to explore different planets in the game.

  1. GoNoodle Kids

Go Noodle Kids is a free app and website that encourages kids to get up and move, while incorporating educational components into the songs.

  1. Nike Training Club

Nike Training Club is a free app that provides a variety of trainer led workouts for all skill levels.  Workouts range from bodyweight only sessions to yoga to full gym workouts and is recommended for teens and adults.