How exactly are we related? Ancestry Library Edition

Did you attend gatherings with extended family over the holidays? In my family, we call people aunts and uncles as a sign of respect and relation even if they are not actually an aunt or uncle. We also call them cousins without always establishing if they are first cousins or fourth cousins. It can get so confusing at times, especially if the family connection is more than two generations removed. 

Ancestry provides a great tool for quickly finding information about grandparents or great grandparents called StoryScout. All that is needed is their first and last name and where they may have lived. StoryScout pulls up several possibilities for you to choose from and you get context for their life events. Access on any public library computer with your Frisco Public Library card. 

Using the vast number of records Ancestry has gathered, you can find information to determine family relationships. Looking for help or how to get started? Come to Genealogy Power Hour on the second Saturdays of the month to learn more.