Printing Costs
The cost of printing a book consists of the cost for the cover and binding plus the cost per page printed. A page is a single side of a sheet of paper and the same as the number of PDF pages of the Book Block (all interior pages between the cover of the book including any blank pages). For an overview of printing a book at Trail Blazer Press see our Guide for Writers, opens a new window.
Cover & Binding Cost + Per Page Cost = Total
- Cover and Binding Cost: $6 per book
- Premium Paper with Black and White print: 4 cents per page
- Premium Paper with Color print: 8 cents per page
Step One: Select Paper
The interior pages of your book will use all premium paper for every page.
- Premium Paper - A heavier weight white paper perfect for both color and grayscale content.
Step Two: Page Count
You will only pay for color printing on the pages that require color. By limiting or consolidating color images onto fewer pages, this allows you to manage the printing cost of your book. Note that elements and images in color are all done with a matte finish.
- Color Page Count - The number of interior pages that have elements (images, text, etc) that appear in color.
- Black and White Page Count - The number of interior pages that are only require black and white (grayscale) printing.
Step Three: Calculate the cost of your book with the calculator below.
Additional Services
These additional options are priced per title/edition. It is a one time fee for a barcode or ISBN number. These can be applied to as many copies of a single title/edition as needed.
- ISBN: $25 - If you plan to sell your books in bookstores, retail locations, or online, consider purchasing an ISBN. The International Standard Book Number identifies a specific title from specific publisher and is unique to that edition, and is used by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.
- Barcode: $25 - A barcode on the back cover of your book includes both the ISBN number and the price of the book. This allows for a standard method all bookstores and retail locations can use to track and sell your book.
- OnDemand Online Ordering: Free - Make your book available for customers to order and have shipped to their homes all online. Currently only available for books with black and white/grayscale interior pages.
Calculate the Price for Each Copy
Begin Submission Process
Submit your Book Block and Cover Sheet documents, opens a new window (saved as a PDF/A) to be reviewed for print readiness.
Printing Lead Time
The Trail Blazer Press cannot guarantee that book orders will be completed by a specific date. Below are the typical lead times for printing:
10 copies (4 weeks)
20 copies (8 weeks)
50 copies (20 weeks)
100 copies (40 weeks)
(Trail Blazer Press is unable to accommodate requests for more than 100 copies. If you desire additional copies, you may put in subsequent requests after pickup is completed.)