Book Size Guidelines
Use the following guidelines when selecting the dimensions for your book.
- Minimum Width: 4.5 inches
- Maximum Width: 8 inches
- Minimum Height: 5 inches
- Maximum Height: 10.5 inches
Common Book Sizes
Here is a list of common book sizes:
- 5" x 5" - Small Picture Book
- 7" x 7" - Large Picture Book
- 5.5" x 8.5" - Journal and Poetry
- 6" x 9" - Novel
- 7" x 10" - Textbook
Size and Formatting
You will want to format your Book Block (interior pages) and the Cover Sheet (book cover) to fit the specific size of book you select.
For example, when creating a 6"x9" novel, in the word processing program, you will want to format the paper size to match the book size. In this case, the paper size should be set to 6 inches wide and 9 inches tall.
The automated book binding process uses the paper size of your document for the Book Block to determine the final size to trim the pages of the book. Read more about formatting the Book Block.
If your page count is below the minimum of 40 pages, or above the maximum of 700 pages, try selecting a different size book. Adjusting the overall page size can increase or decrease the total page count.
Maximum Pages
8.0 inch width book: 175 on premium white paper
7.5 inch width book: 550 on premium white paper
7.0 inch width book: 700 on premium white paper
When designing the Cover Sheet, you must design the cover to wrap around the Book Block. So the size of the cover sheet will be the size of the front cover, spine and back cover. Read more about designing the Cover Sheet.
Begin Submission Process
Submit your Book Block and Cover Sheet, opens a new window documents (saved as a PDF/A) to be reviewed for print readiness.