Check out Mr. Sun's top 5 activities for fun in the sun! These are simple, kid-friendly activities you can do with items you have at home.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Quiz
By FPL_Staff
Do you know all four elements, inside and out? Could you be a member of Team Avatar? Take our quiz to find out…
What You Should Read Next? Your Coffee Order Will Tell You
By FPL_Staff
Whether black, americano, latte, cappuccino, or iced, we have your next read based on your coffee order.
Please, Read to Me!
By FPL_Staff
One of the best ways to foster our kiddos love of reading as well as strengthen their pre-reading and reading skills is to read to them.
QUIZ: Famous Sleuths
By FPL_Staff
One literary mystery is the history of the detective novel. What was the story that started it all and just who wrote it?
Learning Leadership in Fiction
By FPL_Staff
Experiencing growth into a leadership role alongside a character is frequently more compelling (and enjoyable).
Bubble Play
By FPL_Staff
Blowing bubbles with your baby is a magical way to have fun while helping them develop lots of important early literacy skills.
Quiz: Parks and Recreation
By FPL_Staff
We may just be a bunch of book jockeys here at the library, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know our Parks and Recreation trivia.
Quiz: The Hunger Games
By FPL_Staff
Think you could be the victor in any Hunger Games quiz? Could you beat out the career pack? Take our quiz spanning all three books.
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